The establishment Republicans and their neocon liberal co conspirators in Congress will just impeach him and have him removed from office. They will not give up their power easily. The pigs will defend their trough of our tax dollars.
Trump needs a Vice President candidate that is even more offensive to the establishment than himself as a basic life insurance policy.
Immediately I arrive at the name of Ron Paul. Ron Paul is the father of this movement that Trump is spearheading now. Ron Paul would be offensive to both the establishment Republicans and Democrats. They couldn't impeach Trump because Ron Paul would be worse for them. Ron Paul would also bring in the purists on the Constitution, the anti war people, the sound money people, and the libertarians.
Sadly Ron Paul is against Trump at the moment based on his correct pure views of Liberty. I would argue now is not the time for purity as we don't have a pure choice without Ron Paul in the mix. It is better to influence from the inside than criticize from the outside.
I would caution Trump from nominating any establishment type Republican. If he does he may end up like Kennedy with his tyrant VP Lyndon Johnson taking the reigns or even like Reagan where he almost had his tyrant VP George HW Bush take over.
Interestingly, President George HW Bush made a throat slashing gesture towards Trump at the last debate and it was caught on film by CNN and then subsequently edited out of their rebroadcast. Here is that possible threat of regime change from past President Bush towards future President Trump.